Congratulations to our member who recently changed positions:
Tiffany Reed, formerly Vice President, CCS Fundraising, now Vice President, Development, Tufts Medical Center
Welcome to our newest members:
Elise Ashley, The Possible Zone
Maryam Batts, GLAD
Sarah Broudy, LAPA Fundraising
Emerson Cazzani, Boston University
Anne Hager
Fatima Harvey, Freedom House, Inc
Wendi Huestis, Yen Jechow Philanthropic
Daniele Levine, Community Cooks
Andrea Miranda, The Possible Zone
Maggie Norcross Devin, Tufts University
Elizabeth Offen, Yachad/National Jewish Council for Disabilities
Jennifer Pitre, Catholic Medical Center
Julie Polumbo, Polumbo Solutions
Kalya Yannatos, The Putney School
Shambala Zellers, United South End Settlements